The Ironman Finish Line

I volunteered at the Ironman Texas on May 12 working the volunteer tent to provide food and refreshments to other volunteers. We also answered questions such as how to track athletes, where to find the transition area, where to pick up gear bags and more. My shift lasted from 6:30 to 10:00 which allowed me time to watch the athletes complete the race before the midnight cut-off. This video shows the finish line celebration where athletes are welcomed by the announcer. They really do make an effort to celebrate the accomplishment of the athletes as they complete their 140.6 mile journey — spectators “high-five” athletes as they run down the finish line chute, the announcer gets the crowd to shout “You are an Ironman!” One girl was so happy to complete her Ironman that she stopped on the finish line and did a dance. It was so much fun to watch!

As a volunteer at this year’s Ironman, I’ll be able to register for next year’s event before it opens to the general public. Some Ironman events fill up so quickly that I didn’t want to take a chance on missing next year’s event. I’ve posted several photos and another video from this year’s Ironman here.

It appears the most difficult part will be enduring the heat during the 112 mile bike portion of the event. I just hope that my five water bottles plus the countless water bottles provided by the hydration areas will be enough to keep me cool. I plan on acclimating myself to the heat a couple of months prior to the race.

If you haven’t been to an Ironman, I encourage you to come out and see one first hand. They are a lot of fun for both spectators and participants alike. I saw a humorous t-shirt at this event that read, “Life is short! Triathlon makes it LONGER!”

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